Student Training Week at ESRANGE (4/02 - 10/02)

As a next step in the REXUS/BEXUS project, four members of each team were invited to the Student Training Week in ESRANGE Space Center, Kiruna. Here, Tom, Goele, Kirian and Lasse were representing our OSCAR-QLITE team. Sunday morning we left Hasselt, three planes and four flights later we finally arrived in Kiruna. There, SSC welcomed us to their homebase ESRANGE. After a short night, five days full of interesting training sessions were awaiting us. These taught us a lot about all different sides of flying our experiment on a stratospheric balloon. During a dedicated BEXUS session, we built our experiment from cardboard. Then we fitted it on the gondola together with the other BEXUS26 experiments: Tubular (SE), LODESTAR (SE) and IMUFusion (DE). Beside of these training sessions, plenty of teambuilding activities enriched our stay, as for example snow sculpturing. About this, we can proudly tell you that the OSCAR-QLITE experiment design earned the third place o...